About Me

My name is Emily and I have loved photography all my life. I have been taking pictures since I could walk. I remember setting up a "studio" in my house, and taking pictures of my two little sisters from the time they were babies. And they are still my guinea pig models when I have new ideas! :)

I have experience with infants, children, teenagers, and adults. I can do newborn photos, children/family sessions, senior portraits, engagement sessions, and will travel to wedding events. I can come to your house or meet anywhere you'd like. If you need suggestions of where to have a session, I have some great ideas!

Please contact me with any questions.

You can e-mail me at:


or reach me on my cell phone at


I live in Beaumont, CA but can travel.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I've already posted this on my Facebook fanpage, but I thought I might post it here too.

I am having a contest! It's currently running, and it ends July 9th at 11:59pm. The winner of the contest will recieve an absolutely FREE photo session. All you have to do to enter is send an e-mail to me with your name, phone number, what type of session you're wanting to do, and how many people will be in the session. You can e-mail me at emilyannephotography@hotmail.com

The winner will be announced on July 10th.

The only rule is that you have to either be living in CA or here in CA for the session.

Tell all of your friends too. ANYONE can join in the fun!!

Good luck,

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Beaumont, CA - Child Photographer

Lets start out by saying, I LOVE repeat costumers! :) I have been photographing Isabella since she was a newborn, and I enjoy every session we have together. These were done at a BEATUFIUL outdoor museum/park type thing, and Izzy was definetly a ham for this shoot! :)

(looks like she's blowing a kiss!)

These were for her Easter pictures (just a few months late) :)

The sun was HORRIBLE and annoying. It was a very nice overcast and cloudy day, and as soon as I'd go to take a shot, the sun would decide to appear out of nowhere, causing some VERY annoying and harsh light. And even though this picture got the best of the harsh lighting, I thought it was adorable anyways :) Oh, and note the pink band-aid on her leg ;)

Child Photographer

These are my beautiful cousins, Valerie and Abbey. My aunt had me take some pictures of them while I was visiting in Utah. Enjoy!

San Bernardino, CA - Infant Photographer

This is my adorable little niece, Chloe. These are her 2 month pictures. I posted her newborn ones, and I think I forgot to do her 1 month pictures... oops. Well, like I've said before, you'll be seeing a lot of her :)

She was so tired. This was one of the last ones I took... and I laid her down awake... and by the time I went to take the picture, she drifted off to sleep on her own :)

her Mommy LOVES toes!!!

Chloe has this outfit in a couple of sizes, so we're going to try to do her monthly pictures in it every time, so you can see how much she changes...

Beaumont, CA, United States